Thursday, January 27, 2011

A little bit about Harakeke

This year each classroom has been given a name of a native plant. Our's is Harakeke - which stands for Flax. This was chosen for our classroom as the flowers of the flax are red, which is reflected in our classroom colours.

The Junior classrooms have been assigned plants that are lower to the ground, the middle school are larger plants, and the senior school larger again.

We are hoping that we will move away from the numbering system into the plant system...and that plant will always stay with that room, no matter what class and age group are in it.

First Things First!

Our class is the New Entrant class. All the new 5 year olds will be starting in this class. I look forward to meeting our new Welcome Bay families.
Here are some things you need to know:
  • Swimming - Monday through to Friday. Our time is 2.20 - 2.40pm. Parents are welcome to come and help or watch. All children are expected to swim unless prior arrangement has been made ie. a note explaining sickness.
  • Stationery - Your child will be bringing home a stationery list on the first day. This can be purchased at school or elsewhere. It is appreciated if this can be done as soon as possible.
  • Hats - All children require a blue bucket type hat to wear at school. This is our school policy.
Keep a look out for the class and school newsletters.
I look forward to meeting you all.

Welcome to 2011

Hello everyone!!!

A new year is just about to begin....I am really looking forward to 2011. A new class, new learning, new challenges!!!

Keep an eye on this blog. We will be updating it regularly.