Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Term 2

Welcome to Term 2.
We have continued to add to our class this term and have now got another teacher in to help us - Mrs Sligo. Very soon we will be making another class!!

It will be another busy term.
We are starting PMP, we have Cross Country in Week 6, a Marae Visit in Week 4, and lots more!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Alphabet Phonics Song from YouTube

Harakeke love this alphabet song from YouTube. We listen to it almost daily.

Sorry about the ads, just click off them.

Rewards Day Term 1 2011

Today we went down to our local playground for our rewards day. We had a big play on the playground.

It was fantastic!!!

Here are our photos.

Reward Day Term 1 2011 on PhotoPeach

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Harakeke's Assembly Item - Everyone is Different

Today we presented our item to the rest of the school.

It was about our Inquiry Topic on Diversity - and that Everyone is Different.

Most of the children are speaking in this presentation. We hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Creating A Recount

Today we went down to the kindy for another visit.
We are just starting to look at how to construct a recount.
Mrs Smith took some photos, and when we came back we created a recount together.
Mrs Smith put it into a keynote presentation so we could see it as a movie.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kindy Visit 3 March 2011

Today we went for our first visit to our Kindy located at the bottom of the field. The children had a great time. Here are some photos.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Activities in our class

These are some first day shots of the children using the equipment in Harakeke.

The Dizzy Giddy

On Thursday I brought out the Dizzy Giddy. This is a great movement and motor control activity that enhances co-ordination. All the children had a turn .... and loved it!! It is a favourite activity when it comes out.

News and Sharing

Sometimes the children bring things to school to share.
This week Joseff brought the sunglasses to school that he got with the voucher given from Visique. The glasses look really cool Joseff!!

Leg It!!!

For the first 2 weeks of Term 1 Harakeke has been participating in an athletics programme called Leg It. It is all about learning to run correctly, running fast, and hurdling obstacles.

Here are some photos of the leg it programme in action on the first day.

Leg it Term 1 2011 on PhotoPeach

Humpty Dumpty

Our first poem to take home for reading was "Humpty Dumpty". Caleb and his Nana made a Humpty Dumpty that really fell off the wall.

Check it out!!

Our First Week In Harakeke

Wow! We have been busy in our classroom. Here are some photos of some of the things that we do in our class.

Things we do in Harakeke Week 1 Term 1 2011 on PhotoPeach

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A little bit about Harakeke

This year each classroom has been given a name of a native plant. Our's is Harakeke - which stands for Flax. This was chosen for our classroom as the flowers of the flax are red, which is reflected in our classroom colours.

The Junior classrooms have been assigned plants that are lower to the ground, the middle school are larger plants, and the senior school larger again.

We are hoping that we will move away from the numbering system into the plant system...and that plant will always stay with that room, no matter what class and age group are in it.

First Things First!

Our class is the New Entrant class. All the new 5 year olds will be starting in this class. I look forward to meeting our new Welcome Bay families.
Here are some things you need to know:
  • Swimming - Monday through to Friday. Our time is 2.20 - 2.40pm. Parents are welcome to come and help or watch. All children are expected to swim unless prior arrangement has been made ie. a note explaining sickness.
  • Stationery - Your child will be bringing home a stationery list on the first day. This can be purchased at school or elsewhere. It is appreciated if this can be done as soon as possible.
  • Hats - All children require a blue bucket type hat to wear at school. This is our school policy.
Keep a look out for the class and school newsletters.
I look forward to meeting you all.

Welcome to 2011

Hello everyone!!!

A new year is just about to begin....I am really looking forward to 2011. A new class, new learning, new challenges!!!

Keep an eye on this blog. We will be updating it regularly.